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The Perpetual School of Nursing offers comprehensive training and classroom instruction that will help you become the professional you want to be.

If you want to become a CNA, GNA or Med Tech, you can develop your skills and get the training from the Perpetual School of Nursing Assistant.

Welcome to
Perpetual School of Nursing Assistant

Everyone has a role in the community. Have you thought about what your role will be?

If you are viewing our website, we believe that circumstances have led you to answer the call of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant or Geriatric Nursing Assistant. Perhaps you’re also looking at career possibilities as a Home Health Aide or Certified Care Professional. Whatever your career plans may be, the Perpetual School of Nursing Assistant will be the path that takes you there.


The trainors, clinical instructors and administrative staff at Perpetual School of Nursing Assistant have the experience and the ability to help you develop your skills. Courses and programs cover different modules and techniques from basic patient care all the way to higher levels of practices as nursing assistant.

Go ahead and start the enrollment process today! You can submit an application online.

Why we are Special:

  • We care about our students’ Educational achievements.
  • We want them to be the best in the Health Care field.

Send us a message for your inquiries.

1734 Elton Rd, Suite 113
Silver Spring, MD 20903

Phone: (301) 434-8636
Fax: (301) 434-8637
Mobile: (301) 323-3705
Email: menda41@aol.com

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